
May 25th, 2012


"School is over so it is time for Ms. Kara to move."
Ms. Taylor "Where is she moving?"
"To camp. To live there."


"Ms. Kara even though I won't see you at school everyday sometimes I will just see you on the street and that will make me happy."


"Ms. Kara I want to play in the creek during my summer vacation....did you get to play in the creek during your summer vacation?"
Me "Yes, I spent lots of time playing in the creek with my sisters."
"But when you were a kid I was not born yet...so that was a long time ago....so are you sure the creek was here?

School is out for the summer!

It is very bittersweet so luckily I will get to see most of the kids at camp!

Thank you for reading and for laughing and smiling along with me. It was another amazing year filled with joy and new challenges each day. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend every day viewing the world through the eyes of these beautiful young children.

Have a wonderful summer!


May 22nd, 2012


When we were sitting down for snack one of the kids took the chair that Belinda wanted to sit in. She started to get upset but then calmed down and looked up at me and said...

"My mom says to breath in and then let it go."

Great advice.


May 10th, 2012


"I am really strong."
Ms. Taylor "How did you get so strong?"
"I eat lots of meat."


May 8th, 2012


"Ms. Kara, I need to tell you something."
Me "Yes...."
"Well ummm....I umm... accidentally broke my worm's face off."
Me "Where is your worm now?"
"In the dirt. He still has his body so I think he is okay."


April 26th, 2012


"Ms. Kara why is there not a shower in the bathroom?"
Me "We do not need a shower while we are at school."
"But where do you get clean?"
Me "I take a shower at home."
"But you live here."

It is always a fun day when they learn you do not actually live at school....


April 24th, 2012


Aidan (who will be 3 in two days) turned to Gillian at lunch (3 1/2) and said...

"My mom took a funny picture of me last night. Did you see it? It's on facebook."


March 31st, 2012

A very happy birthday to my little sister Quinn from all the kids!!


March 29th, 2012


"Ms. Kara do you like my painted nails?"
Me "Yes, they are beautiful."
"Thank you. My mommy painted them for me."
Me "That was very sweet of her."
"Your nails are pretty too. Did your mommy paint them?"
Me "No, someone else painted them for me."
"You should ask your mommy to paint them. They are good at it."

So Sweet!

We are off next week for spring break so I hope everyone has a wonderful week and a Happy Easter!!



March 27th, 2012


"Ms. Kara do I have to eat this pineapple?"
Me "Have you tried it?"
"Yes...it makes my teeth feel weird."
Me "Well then you do not have to eat any more."
"My teeth still feel really funny. I think just looking at it makes them feel funny."


March 22nd, 2012


"Ms. Kara did you know gerbs are bad?"
Me "What are gerbs?"
"You know gerbs. They are bad. They make you sick."
Me "Germs?"
"Yes. Gerbs. Gerbs are yuck. You don't want gerbs."


March 20th, 2012


"Ms. Kara when I was just a baby I did not really believe in anything. I just believed in me. Now that I am older I believe in lots of things."


March 15th, 2012


"Ms. Kara look there are two bird's nest next to each other....if they were people we would call them neighbors."


March 13th, 2012


"Ms. Kara did you know your sister got married?"
Me "I did not know that."
"Well she did. I saw her wedding through a window."
Me "Did you have a dream that she got married?"
"No...she really got married. Now she is your sister and a wife."
Me "Well I will have to ask her about this and hopefully I will get to meet her new husband."
"His name is David. I like him."

Not a question in his mind that this information is true!


March 7th, 2012


"Ms. Kara did you know that the taller you are the faster you can run?"
Me "I did not know that."
"It is true. Except my dad is taller than me but I can run faster. Since he is really tall his legs get sore."


February 29th, 2012


"Ms. Kara is it spring yet?"
Me "Almost. Today is the last day of February."
"So tomorrow is March?"
Me "Yes that is correct. Today is actually a special day because it only happens once every four years."
"Well what happens if today is your birthday?"

Great question....

Happy Leap Day!


February 22nd, 2012


All of the kids did a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood to collect cans and other items for our local food bank. Afterwards they all got cupcakes as a special treat...

"Ms. Kara I really want another cupcake."
Me "If there are extras everyone might be allowed to get another one."
"Or maybe we could donate them with all the cans we collected so they have something yummy."

So sweet!


February 14th, 2012

Valentine's Day!!


"Ms. Kara today is a very special day because everyone has a special treat for all our friends...and guess what?...you get stuff too!"

Lots of sweet special treats and notes.

Happy Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!


February 9th, 2012

There are new baby goats in the animal village at the Inn and one came to visit us....

too cute for words.


February 6th, 2012


Me "Gillian will you take a few more bites of your lunch please?"
Gillian "Yes, but my name is Tinkerbell."


February 3rd, 2012

Colby and Napoleon

Colby "Today is free day! What should we do?"
Napoleon "My brain hasn't decided yet?"
Colby "Let's play in the fort. Or play soccer. Or football. Ms. Kara is getting better at football."
Napoleon "I'm not sure."
Colby "Is your brain still deciding?"
Napoleon "Yes, I will tell you when it's done."

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!


January 30th, 2012


"I wish I was made out of the sun because then I could touch it."


January 27th, 2012


"Ms. Kara look look I see berries on that tree. Does that mean it is almost time for summer?"
Me "Not quite...we still have a few more months."
"Ohhhh. I still like the berries."

Happy Weekend!!


January 25th, 2012


"I am the only boy at this table so that means I am King."


And we are back! January 23rd, 2012


"I am thankful for everyone in the whole world. Even the people in outer space."

Yes....we have been back in school for a little while but the blog took an extended break! Glad to be back and hope everyone is having a happy and healthy 2012 so far!